Autor: Liddy, Richard M. Buch: Transforming Light Titel: Transforming Light Stichwort: Lonergan, Voegelin, Höhlengleichnis Kurzinhalt: Lonergan über Voegelin Textausschnitt: () On the one hand, opinion may lead through reason (logos) to the best (ariston), and its power is called self-restraint (sophrosyne); on the other hand, desire may drag us (helkein) towards pleasures and its rule is called excess (hybris). Or as Voegelin illustrates the matter, a young man may be drawn to philosophy but by social pressure be diverted to a life of pleasure or to success in politics. But if he follows the second pull, the meaning of his life is not settled for him. The first pull remains and is still experienced as part of his living. Following the second pull does not transform his being into a question-free fact, but into a questionable course. He will sense that the life he leads is not his 'own and true life.' |