
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Lonergan, Stewart, Plato, Meno, Erfahrung, Idee, Formel

Kurzinhalt: Lonergan; Platos Ideen als Kategorienu. Produkt der Tätigkeit des Geistes, Kant, Plato als Methodologe; Wurzel d. Idee im sensibile, Dynamik der Erkenntnis: sensibile -> intelligibile

Textausschnitt: () Stewart felt that many commentators had missed Plato's point in his theory of Ideas because they had not asked the basic question: what human and psychological experience was Plato talking about? They had tended to make Plato's ideas seem fantastic because they had not related them to the facts of present human psychology. Only in this way could the origins of his Plato's theory be discovered.
If we dismiss from our minds the prejudice raised by Aristotle's criticism, we find nothing in the Dialogues of Plato to countenance the view that the Ideas, so far as they have methodological significance, are 'known' as statically existent: they are 'known' only as dynamically existent - only as performing their function of making sensibilia intelligible. It is as true of Kant's categories that without sense they are empty. The Ideas, so far as their methodological significance is concerned, are nothing more than concepts-in-use ...
The eidos is not an impression of sense passively received; it is a product of the mind's activity, an instrument constructed by the mind whereby it 'makes nature,' 'moulds environment,' so as to serve the purposes of human life.
from Stewart I learnt that Plato was a methodologist, that his ideas were what the scientist seeks to discover, that the scientific or philosophic process towards discovery was one of question and answer.
Concepts then are rooted in 'grasping the intelligible in the sensible,' as Lonergan would later put it. Stewart found this in Plato:
the dynamism of the intellectual search for the unknown. In between the concepts, on the one hand, and the sensible data on the other, there is the pre-conceptual dynamism of questioning and understanding.


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