
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Newman, Lonergan, apprehension, assent, Erfassung, Zustimmung

Kurzinhalt: real, notional apprehension (Erfassung), Erfassung - Zustimmung

Textausschnitt: () Real apprehension may be described as impressional, that of one who enters onto the object by sympathy, intuition, unformulated interpretations, while notional apprehension stands over against the object, successively views its relations, analyses, formulates.
Lonergan refers to Newman's assertion that in notional apprehension we regard things not as they are in themselves, but mainly as they stand in relation to each other. On the other hand, real apprehension is concerned, not primarily with ideas, 'the aspects of things,' but with things themselves of which we have an 'impressional' apprehension.


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