
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Newman, Rationalismus, Kirchenväter

Kurzinhalt: Newman über Rationalismus; Origenes, Clemens: "wie Musik für mein inneres Ohr"

Textausschnitt: () 'Rationalism is a certain abuse of Reason; that is, a use of it for purposes for which it never was intended, and is unfitted. To rationalize in matters of Revelation is to make our reason the standard and measure of the doctrine revealed. [...] It is Rationalism to accept Revelation and then to explain it away; to speak of it as the Word of God, and to treat it as the word of man; to refuse to let it speak for itself. [...]. The Rationalist makes himself his own center, not his Maker; he does not go to God, but implies that God must come to him. [...] Rationalism takes the words of Scripture as signs of Ideas; Faith of Things or Realities.' Essays Critical and Historical ...
'The broad philosophy of Clement and Origen carried me away; the philosophy, not the theological doctrine. [...] Some portions of their teaching, magnificent in themselves, came like music to my inward ear, as if in response to ideas, which, with little external to encourage them, I had cherished so long.' Elsewhere in the Apologia Newman mentions his own early temperament as being attracted to the world of the unseen, leading him to 'rest in the thought of two and two only absolute and luminously self-evident beings, myself and my Creator.'


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