
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Inkohärenz, Selbstwiderspruch, Urteil

Kurzinhalt: Selbstwiderspruch in der Aussage: es gibt kein Urteil; logischer Widerspruch; Inkohärenz zw. Aussage und Tätigkeit

Textausschnitt: () It is incoherent to make a judgment, There is no judgment. This is not exactly a logical contradiction. A logical contradiction exists when two propositions are diametrically opposed (e.g., judgment exists, and judgment does not exist). In this case, there is only one proposition. There is no judgment. That proposition stands in tension, not with another proposition, but with the mental activity of affirming it, the very act of judging.


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