
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Wissensstreben, desire to kno

Kurzinhalt: drive to know, dynamische Struktur, Eros des Strebens, Begehren von Nahrung

Textausschnitt: () The structure of experience - insight - judgment given above is static. But the human cognitional process is dynamic. It is always in movement, in virtue of what Lonergan calls 'the drive to know.
It is the wonder that Aristotle identified as the beginning of philosophy in his Metaphysics. The drive to know has an object which is not as tangible as food, nor as palpable as a sexual partner. Yet there is a hunger and an eros of the mind that is quite as real as the desire for food or sex.
A person can experience the drive to know as a compelling curiosity that rouses one from the lethargy of sense reverie to the stern task of understanding, that also applies to that understanding the imperious test of reflection, and then moves one from any particular judgment to further experiences, further questions, further insights. Can the drive to know be applied to itself? Perhaps it already has.


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