
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Relationen; Terminologie: Relation, Subjekt, Fundament, innere, äußere R., reales, begriffliches Sein;

Kurzinhalt: relation: the order of one to another;1 its opposite is absolute; and as regards a relation, we distinguish: ...;

Textausschnitt: Are there internal relations?

relation: the order of one to another;1 its opposite is absolute; and as regards a relation, we distinguish:

689a subject: that which is related to another; hence to fulfil the definition of subject it suffices to be related to some other, and for now it does not matter whether it be a being-which or a being-by-which,

term: that to which a subject is related,

third term of comparison [also called the foundation, fundamentum]: that with respect to which the subject is related to the term. Further,

an internal relation is one that is so intrinsic to the subject that it cannot be negated without negating the subject also, and

an external relation is one that may be present or absent without affecting the subject. Finally,

real being is that which is truly affirmed to exist, either that which exists or that by which an existent being is constituted, while

conceptual being is that which is conceived and is truly affirmed to be conceived but which cannot be truly affirmed as existing. (Fs)


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