
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Liebe, Hervorgang; Unterschied 1-5, Analogie: göttliche - menschliche Liebe

Kurzinhalt: A second difference is that we very often love with mixed motives ... A fifth difference is that our love places the beloved in the lover by way of a certain inclination and a quasi-identification; but divine love is God himself ...

Textausschnitt: 677b We are now in a position to proceed to a consideration of divine love on the basis of an analogy with our human love. (Fs)

The first difference is that our love only gradually and with considerable difficulty reaches up to the supreme good, while from all eternity divine love is directed to divine goodness, which it perfectly comprehends. (Fs)

677c A second difference is that we very often love with mixed motives, whereas divine love extends both to the divine goodness itself and to all other goods solely on account of that same divine goodness. (Fs)

677d A third difference is that in us an act of love arises contingently and imperfectly from a dictate of right reason, whereas the act of divine love proceeds from the divine intellect and word by way of an emanation that is intellectual and absolutely necessary. (Fs) (notabene)

Kommentar (11/11/10): In dieser Weise -- was von vielen Lonerganeans etwas verächtlich als faculty psychology abgetan wird -- lässt sich gleichsam die göttliche Liebe mit der menschlichen vergleichen, was nicht möglich ist, wenn der Wille in diesem metaphysischen Sinn aufgelöst wird in das bloße "deliberating".

677e A fourth difference is that in us acts of love are multiple and are bound up with the sentient part of our nature (Summa theologiae, 1, q. 20, a.1, ad im and ad 2m); but the act of divine love is unique and simple and separated from all material reality: 'God, however, as in a single act he understands all things in his essence, so in a single act he wills all things in his goodness' (ibid. q. 19, a. 5 c). (Fs)

677f A fifth difference is that our love places the beloved in the lover by way of a certain inclination and a quasi-identification; but divine love is God himself as loved in himself as lover with the fullness of reality and identity. For just as the divine act of understanding is the divine existence itself, so equally is divine willing the divine existence itself. When, therefore, God loves himself, this love is not only God being loved by way of some inclination, but is that very reality that is God (Summa theologiae, 1, q. 27, a. 3, ad 2m; Summa contra Gentiles, 4, c. 19, ¶7, §3563). Therefore, just as the Word of God is God, so is divine proceeding Love also God. (Fs) (notabene)


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