
Autor: Tekippe, Terry J.

Buch: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Titel: What Is Lonergan Up to in Insight?

Stichwort: Inverse Einsicht

Kurzinhalt: Definition: inverse Einsicht,

Textausschnitt: () The inverse insight grasps that, contrary to all expectations, there is nothing to be understood in a particular situation or question. It is not a simple failure to understand, but a positive grasp; yet the grasp is to the effect that the situation is unintelligible. To put it another way, an inverse insight grasps at once a situation, a question, and the fact of an incommensurability between the two. An inverse insight, then, grasps not what is right with the answer, but what is wrong with the question.


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