
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Erfahrungsmuster, reines; Kunst, das Unsagbare; Ignatius; Dichtung, Gedicht

Kurzinhalt: Reines Erfahrungsmuster - Bedeutung: 2 Arten von Künsten; Gedicht - reines Erfahrungsmuster; Transzendenz; Kunst: das Unsagbare; Ignatius; Exerzitien

Textausschnitt: () With some art forms, the focus on the pure pattern is clear: instrumental music, abstract art, dancing, landscaping, architecture, weaving. With others, we want to integrate a pure form with an overlay from the dramatic pattern of experience: song, opera, poetry, representational art and sculpture. The difficulty with this second class of aesthetics is that would-be artists easily go for the linguistic message ...
There is no great poetry and great portraiture without pure patterns in the sounds and strokes, respectively.
poetry, your goal should be to stir some of these desires in your readers. What makes it good poetry will be the symbolic associations of the words, their meanings, metaphors and connotations, but supported underneath by the rhythm and flow of the sounds, the pace of the piece, the alliterations and assonances. Everything should 'work' toward moving the reader/listener to feel the desires you want to elicit, even the shape of the poem on a page or the setting of the podium from which it is read.


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