
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Sehen, Maler, Muster; Objektivation

Kurzinhalt: Reines Erfahrungsmuster; Sehen des Malers: unverfälschtes Muster; Kunst: Objektivation des reinen Erfahrungsmusters; Gesellschaft: Unverständnis für die "Lebensweise" des reinen "Erfahrungsmusters"

Textausschnitt: () But an artist objectifies patterns in experience unadulterated by other patterning. This, for me, is a key insight into what I’m doing when I paint. There are two moments here. As an artist I’m first seeing, but I’m aiming to exclude any interferences with my seeing that might arise from intellectual curiosity or practical needs. With both image and affect, I try to let them speak for themselves, as it were, without being constrained by ulterior purposes.
Then, in a distinct act from artistic seeing, there is the desire to objectify it. Here is where the person becomes an artist. Everyone experiences pure patterns but only a few try to objectify them in paint, surfaces, or sounds. In this second moment, too, I make an effort to exclude patterning that originates from other sources. This is no easy task. When we draw or compose a poem, we feel a liberation of our affectivity from the normal practical needs to behave and fit in. Unfortunately, our culture imposes terrific pressures against this purely aesthetic experience, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate on patterns in their purity. We have to learn the discipline of postponing extraneous concerns:


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