Autor: Dunne, Tad Buch: Internet Titel: Lonergan, LOYOLA, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION, AND THE ARTS Stichwort: Künstlerischer Prozess Kurzinhalt: Stufen des künstlerischen Prozesses: Erfahrung, Objektivation, End-Objektivation Textausschnitt: () There's the aesthetic experience, some experience that our consciousness alerts us to because it has to do with this beauty.
Then there are the provisional objectifications of that pattern -- the 'fiddling,' the playing with media until it falls into a pattern that seems likely to alert others to the same aesthetic experience.
Then there's the final objectification. During the provisional objectifications, the artist may decide to scrap everything and start over, because the emerging pattern is ugly. But when beauty is emerging, there's a point where the artist clearly envisions the final objectified pattern. All that's left are the adjustments ...
Structurally, all artists work under a single condition: If the pattern of the painting is isomorphic to the pattern of an arresting aesthetic experience, then it's a good artpiece. The operator at the sensitive level that responds to beauty determines whether the artpiece meets the conditions. ____________________________