Autor: Dunne, Tad Buch: Internet Titel: Lonergan, LOYOLA, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION, AND THE ARTS Stichwort: Kunst, Ignatius, Transzendenzerfahrung, Zug, Gegenzug Kurzinhalt: Zug - Gegenzug: Grundbewegung; Kunst (Lyrik, Musik, Malerei usw.) als Objektivierung dieser Dynamik; Selbst-Transzendenz; Ignastius' Schwamm Textausschnitt: () Remember the thought-experiment Ignatius suggested for weighing the quality of inspirations? If an inspiration feels like water penetrating a wet sponge, then it’s probably reliable. But if it feels like water smashing on a rock, then it probably isn’t. (This is completely the opposite for people dedicated to avoiding self-transcendence.) He’s weighing the value of a possible course of action by consulting his experience of the movement toward self-transcendence. |