
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Ästhetik, künstlerisches Urteil, Werturteil, Tatsachenurteil, Irrtum, Symbol, Abkürzung

Kurzinhalt: Künstlerisches Urteil - Werturteil; Irrtum: Gefühl, Überschwang, Abirrung, Technig, Ästhetizismus; Symbol; Abkürzung: Stufe 1-4; Kriterium: Selbst-Transzendenz; Ignatius' Schwamm

Textausschnitt: () And while I believe that artists have insights, the insights don’t produce concepts, as they do in response to a question for intelligence. They produce images that are more or less adequate to the originating experience. When they go on to represent that image in paint or sound, then they make the judgments on whether the result is adequate to the experience. But that’s a judgment of value, not a judgment of fact because their intent from the beginning was to make something, not know something. The criterion is the same as for other judgments, namely the absence of further relevant questions. But these 'questions' themselves are not conceptual; they are feelings, considered as initial responses to potential value.
Artists who only vaguely recognize this movement toward self-transcendence will be confused as to what they are consulting when they say they don’t like the line they just drew. The usual error is to go for mere intensity of feeling. Lonergan also lists exuberance, distraction, aestheticism and technique as uses of art that fall short of, or distract from, the highest function of art:


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