Autor: Dunne, Tad Buch: Internet Titel: Lonergan, LOYOLA, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION, AND THE ARTS Stichwort: Kunst, Sexualität, Schönheit, Zölibat Kurzinhalt: Unterschied: Schönheit, Sexualität; Zölibat als solches ist keine Berufung, Ignatius Textausschnitt: () I believe that the arts are based in an impulse, a drive, what Lonergan calls an 'operator,' at the sensitive level that moves us toward beauty. Sex is a different drive, although obviously not independent of beauty. One key difference is that the drive to beauty is almost completely indeterminate, open, plastic, flexible, and able to be realized in an infinite variety of forms, while the sex drive heads toward both friendship and children, which in turn are concrete elements of the Body of Christ. |