
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Methode; Metaphysik, Ethik, Moral, Zyklus

Kurzinhalt: Parallele zw. ethischer und metaph. Methode; deskriptive -> erklärende Moral: Einzelgut u. Ordnungsgut, Zyklen (lang, kurz); Verhältnis zw. Nah- und Fernziel; religiöse Bekehrung

Textausschnitt: () Cognitive knowing begins with an unknown objective that becomes known through successive, partial objectives; moral knowing begins within an unknown and unchosen objective that becomes known, valued, and chosen through successive partial objectives. The problem of differentiating these partial moral objectives is similar to the problem of differentiating the components of objective knowing.
A person makes what seems to be an authentic choice according to the normative practices of their culture, but it turns out to actually be an inauthentic choice according to the transcultural norm that operates within every person.


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