
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Vollkommenheit; Akt als perfectio

Kurzinhalt: ASSERTION 14/1 - Perfection has two formalities ... First, act denotes perfection.

Textausschnitt: 423b Since it is impossible to agree with all of these disparate opinions, we opt to defend the following view, that just as the divine substance and the divine relations are one reality, so also is there one real perfection, and that similarly, just as the formality of substance and the formality of relations are different, so also the formality of perfection attributable to the substance is different from the formality of perfection attributable to the relations. Therefore, we agree with the first and third of the above opinions, that there is one real divine perfection, and with the second and third insofar as they contend that the great perfection of God is revealed in the dogma of the Trinity. (Fs)

First, act denotes perfection.
Being is divided into potency and act in such a way that it is limited by potency and perfected by act; therefore, each individual being is lacking in perfection to the extent that it is limited by potency, and is endowed with perfection to the extent that it is in act. (Fs)


Third, from the standpoint of the formality of perfection that is grounded upon act, the divine substance is infinite in perfection. (Fs)

The divine substance is pure act without any admixture of potency. But each being is limited through potency and perfected through act. Therefore, the divine substance, because of act, is perfect, and because of the denial of potency is infinite in perfection. (Fs)


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