
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Glaube, Glaubensüberzeugung; Propheten, Wort

Kurzinhalt: "Inneres" und "äußeres" Wort; Glaubensüberzeugungen, transzendente Quelle; transzendenter Wert als Maßstab

Textausschnitt: () This religious illumination which proceeds from being in love may be named 'faith ...
Prior to the traditional beliefs and rituals of different cultural communities, there is the transcendent source and origin that may be discerned in the religious commitments of various religious communities.
While the word of the prophet is a 'revealed word' that can be discerned only by persons who have received the same religious love and faith, it does not go against a person's own 'natural' reason.
The prophets preached a hierarchy of values based on the transcending value of their encounter with the living presence of Yahweh. This transcending value was intended to transform and revalorize the cultural and personal values the people were living.


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