
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Israel, Voegelin, Propheten, David, Heilsgeschichte, Jahwe

Kurzinhalt: Voegelin: 3 Stufen der prophetischen Verkündigung; vom Stamm zu Söhnen (Sohn) Gottes; Friedrick Heiler; der ganz Andere

Textausschnitt: () Eric Voegelin, who has identified three stages in the prophetic religious experiences and in the expression of those experiences. In the first stage ...
Yahweh begins as one of many divinities or nature gods and evolves into the totally transcendent god who also dwells in the hearts of the converted person. Similarly, the community begins as a tribal community of liberated slaves committed to the god of Moses, only to undergo numerous changes ending with the possibility of receiving God's own spirit in their heart, thereby becoming the 'sons of god.'


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