
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Israel, Heilsgeschichte, Zukunft; Natur, Geschichte, Moses, Propheten

Kurzinhalt: Mythische Vergegenwärtigung - Heilsgeschichte; Zukunft; Wechsel von Natur zu Geschichte; Jahwe, Moses, prophetische Revolte; der transzendente Gott

Textausschnitt: () The question we now need to pose is, How did the Israelite people develop the symbolic expressions that transformed their prior myths and rituals from static, cosmic cyclical forms to changing historical forms?
To put the future in the future and not in a return to the past would seem to 'straighten out' the temporal sequence and provide us with a historical narrative. But there is the more subtle, ontological problem that we live in past, present, and future meanings simultaneously, and yet experience them successively.


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