
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Verweigerung von Einsicht, dramatische Befangenheit (dramatic bias); Furcht, Angst; Zensor

Kurzinhalt: Furcht und Angst als Auslöser für eine Verweigerung von Einsicht; Fähigkeit, Gefühle durch Bilder (Imaginationen) zu lenken; Arbeitsweise des Zensores

Textausschnitt: Besides the desire to know manifesting itself in attentive questioning, there are the fears that may block or divert this questioning. ...
How does such censoring operate? The explanation is to be found in your ability to control or direct or evoke feelings through images. Questioning deals primarily with images, and images are associated with feelings, memories, and expectations. ...
How you interpret such feelings depends to a large extent on the way you question them.


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