
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Mythos, Eliade, Symbol, Wasser, Sünde, Eliade

Kurzinhalt: Arachaische Stufe: 2 Weisen der Existenz; transkulturelle Ethik im Mythos und in der Moderne; Definition der archaischen Religion

Textausschnitt: () The central issue for Eliade is that, for archaic and primitive people, there are two modes of existing: the profane and the sacred. What myths and rituals mean for these people is a passage or transformation from a lower way of being to a new higher mode of being, from the natural to supernatural mode, from the secular to sacred.
These rites have a super-human origin, and by performing them, the novice initiates a super-human, divine action. It is important to note this, for it shows once again that the religious man wants to be other than he finds himself on the natural level ..
Primitive man undertakes to attain a religious ideal of humanity, and his effort already contains the germs of all the ethics later elaborated in evolved societies.
Archaic religion can be defined as a set of mythic rituals that specify various personal and social passages which are ontological transformations in that they involve a conversion from one mode of being to a higher way of existing.


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