
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Erfahrung, religiöse, R. Otto, James, Maslow

Kurzinhalt: Das Numinose, das ganz andere; Rudolf Otto, William James, Abraham Maslow; peak-experiences, plateau-experiences, nadir-experiences

Textausschnitt: () Instead of focusing on the nature and existence of god, or on religious morality, Otto attempts to describe the 'engendering religious experiences' that provided the sources for specific religious writings and practices.
In order to communicate this 'mystical experience' to the masses, the church officials tended to express such 'transcendent experiences' in various systems or codes of ordinances that regulate the religious beliefs and behavior of the church members. The result is that the original 'mystical experiences' tend to be neutralized and transformed into external symbols and ceremonies.


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