
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Antigone, Kreon; Dialektik

Kurzinhalt: 4-fache Dialektik; Forderung nach einer transkulturellen Begründung von Normen; Kreon, Newton

Textausschnitt: This means that we have identified three different dialectics: the tension of the person within himself or herself; the tension of persons within the group; and the tension between one community and another. However, there is a fourth and even more significant dialectic - the human historical drama - the tensions between any one historical community its predecessors and successors. ...

To answer this question, cultural authorities need a transcultural norm that is not dependent on any cultural context, but that grounds and orders each and every cultural context. Creon's case could be compared to Newton's when he thought he was thinking and measuring in a completely universal framework but was, in fact, operating in a quite limited framework. However, the limits of that framework were hidden from him.


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