
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Gut, Wert, Definition

Kurzinhalt: 3 Bedeutungen von Gut anhand eines Beispiels (Pullover); Definition von Wert; kurzfristige u. langfristige Kontexte als Grundlage für Entscheidungen

Textausschnitt: () ... Here are two distinct meanings of good:
The notion of value results from a combination of these two distinct notions of the good, as they are brought together in a personal choice. Value is the good, not as an object spontaneously desired, but as intelligently understood, judged, and chosen.
The challenge for the human community is to bring those long-term historical currents out of the background of the meanings and values that precondition our deliberating and deciding and into the foreground of our knowing and choosing.


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