
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Titel: Collection: Papers bei B. Lonergan

Stichwort: Christus: Bewusstsein -> quid sit homo - quid sit Deus (visio beatifica)

Kurzinhalt: By consciousness we are aware of ourselves but we do not understand our natures; because we know ourselves only sub ratione experti, we wonder what we are; and that wonder gives place to knowledge ...

Textausschnitt: 178a Tenthly, to return from the hypothetical reader to Fr Perego, he advances that there is an obscurity in my view of the relationship between Christ's human consciousness and Christ's beatific vision.1 (Fs)

178b Reply: I grant that the relationship is quite obscure if one is unfamiliar with the meaning of the question, quid sit, and also with the admiration that is the origin of all science and all philosophy. Otherwise, the relationship is plain as a pikestaff. By consciousness we are aware of ourselves but we do not understand our natures; because we know ourselves only sub ratione experti, we wonder what we are; and that wonder gives place to knowledge when we understand quid sit homo. But Christ as man was similar to us in all things save sin. He was aware of himself by consciousness, yet by that consciousness he did not know quid sit; moreover, since he had two natures, he had a twofold wonder, quid sit homo and quid sit Deus; the answer to the second was the beatific vision. (Fs) (notabene)

179a Let us end this section on the notion of the subject. My contention was that consciousness is not only cognitive but also constitutive of the subject. My contention was that an adequate account of consciousness is had by making more explicit the familiar Aristotelian-Thomist doctrine of the identity in act of subject and object.50 Perhaps the reader will agree with me when I say (1) that Fr Perego does not seem to know what consciousness is and (2) that his many objections are just solvMlia argumenta. (Fs)


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