
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Werte, sozial, kulturell

Kurzinhalt: Soziale, kulturelle, Werte; Präferenz personaler Werte; Kultur setzt die Bedingungen der Fragen der Menschen

Textausschnitt: () But if you live in a society that has no science of metaphysics, you cannot wonder in any explicit, theoretical way about the nature of reality or of being. Similarly, if you live in a society that has no explicit moral theory, then you cannot wonder in any systematic way about the morality of the memories, meanings, and values that you and your community are currently living.
Thus, the value of a social order depends on whether it conditions and encourages its members to become valuable persons to one another and to themselves. This is why personal values are to be esteemed higher


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