
Autor: Mehrere Autoren: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, 11,1

Buch: Method, Journal of Lonergan Studies, Volume 11, Number 1

Titel: Lonergan, Bernard - Analytic Concept of History

Stichwort: Geschichte: Niedergang (decline): allgemein; decline als soziale Dimension der Sünde

Kurzinhalt: Decline is the deviation from the ideal line that is consequent to nonobservance ... Decline is the social rule of sin, its gradual domination of the dialectic ...

Textausschnitt: 6. DECLINE
6.1 The nature of decline
6.2 The goal of decline
6.3 The three forms of decline
6.4 Minor decline
6.5 Major decline
6.6 Compound decline
6.1 [The nature of decline]

20b We defined the ideal line as the constant and complete observance of the natural law. Decline is the deviation from the ideal line that is consequent to nonobservance. (Fs)

It is to be noted that we deal not with a new line but with a deviation from the line already established. Though in this outline we merely indicate the abstract form of decline, it is not to be inferred that we have left over a problem of relating decline with the ideal line but only of making the theory of decline more full and detailed. (Fs)
6.2 [The goal of decline]

20c The goal of decline is contained in its principle, sin. Sin is the repudiation of reason in a particular act. Decline is the social rule of sin, its gradual domination of the dialectic and the minds of men dependent upon this dialectic because of their solidarity. Thus the goal of decline is the unchaining of the animal with intellect, so far from being master, that it is the slave of instinct and passion. (Fs) (notabene)

20d Plainly this triumph of the beast differs in the three periods: the degenerate savage, Nero, and the New Paganism of Germany differ vastly; but they would seem to be triumphs of the beast on different levels of history. (Fs)

6.3 [The three forms of decline] (notabene)

21a The three forms of decline, minor and major and compound, are distinguished as follows. (Fs)

Minor is the effect of sin in the inductive field of thought. (Fs)
Major is the effect of sin in the deductive field of thought. (Fs)
Compound is the combination and interaction of both together. (Fs)


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