
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ethik; Werte, kulturell, transzendente; Rangordnung; Kultur; Sollen, Bewusstsein

Kurzinhalt: Soziale, kulturelle, ontologische, transzendente Werte; Rangordnung; Bewusstsein des Sollens; Entscheidung: Existenz in einer neuen Weise

Textausschnitt: () Finally, the supreme value is the unrestricted and completely transcendent value that is the orienting desire of all knowers and choosers and that therefore sets the conditions for all the different levels of valuing, or for the whole scale of values.
In deciding, you make a commitment, not just to know something, but to bring some course of action into being which, if you do not do it, will not exist. And, more surprising, it is not only the course of action that will begin to be, but you yourself will begin to exist in a way that you did not exist before making that decision.
Further, such a valuable way of being and living ought to be realized, and you are conscious of this 'ought-ness.' You are aware that you, as a chooser, ought to choose to live in this 'choice-worthy' way because


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