
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: These 1: Verständnis der göttlichen Hervorgänge analog zur intellektuellen Emanation; Terminologie: processio operati usw.

Kurzinhalt: The divine processions, which are processions according to the mode of a processio operati, are understood in some measure on the basis of a likeness to intellectual emanation ...

Textausschnitt: 145a
The divine processions, which are processions according to the mode of a processio operati, are understood in some measure on the basis of a likeness to intellectual emanation; and there does not seem to be another analogy for forming a systematic conception of a divine procession.
procession: the origin of one from another.
process, emanation: the same as procession.
proceeding, originated: that which has an origin.
principle, originating: that from which something has an origin.
mode of procession: procession considered concretely; that which this or that procession adds beyond the abstract definition 'origin of one from another.'
determination of mode: the mode is determined in order to distinguish one procession from another.
external determination: the determination of the principle and of that which proceeds.

internal determination: the determination of the origin itself as violent or natural, as unconscious or conscious, as spontaneous or autonomous, and so forth.1 (Fs)
metaphysical determination: the determination uses the common notions that are worked out in general metaphysics, notions such as the same and the other, potency and act, the absolute and the relative, and so forth. (Fs)
natural determination: the mode is determined as proper to some generic or specific or individual nature, for example, physical, chemical, biological, sensitive, intellectual, or divine nature. (Fs)
analogical determination: the mode of an unknown nature is determined on the basis of a likeness to a known nature. (Fs)
external procession, into another: the origin of one reality from another. Here the determination of mode is external and metaphysical. Making, creating, and animal generation are illustrations. (Fs)
internal procession, in the same: both the principle and that which proceeds are in the same [...]2 Again, the determination of mode is external and metaphysical. However, 'in the same' can be understood in three ways, namely, in the same subsistent, within the same consciousness, in the same faculty or potency.3 (Fs)

procession of an operation: an internal procession in which the principle and that which proceeds are related as potency and act. Again, the determination of mode is external and metaphysical. The procession of an operation is illustrated by the act of seeing taking its origin from both the power of sight and the eye, the act of understanding taking its origin from both the possible intellect and the intelligible species, the act of will taking its origin from both the will and from a habit received in the will.1 (Fs)
processio operati: an internal procession in which the principle is related to that which proceeds as act to act. Again, the determination of mode is metaphysical and external. A processio operati is illustrated by the act of desiring taking its origin from the act of seeing, by the act of defining taking its origin from the act of understanding, by the act of judging taking its origin from the act of grasping sufficient evidence, by the act of choosing taking its origin from a practical judgment.2 (Fs) (notabene)
procession according to the mode of a processio operati: an internal procession in which the originating act and the originated act are really distinct, not however on the basis of absolute existence but on the basis of relative existence. Again, the determination of mode is external and metaphysical. This definition has been worked out in order to state clearly a divine mystery. (Fs)

divine procession: the origin of God from God. Here, the determination of mode is external yet natural. A divine procession is illustrated by the generation of the Son from the Father and also by the procession of the Holy Spirit from both the Father and the Son. (Fs)
intellectual emanation: the conscious origin of a real, natural, and conscious act from a real, natural, and conscious act, both within the same intellectual consciousness and also by virtue of that intellectual consciousness itself as it is determined by the originating act. Here, the determination of mode is internal and natural. We have already indicated above the kind of mode this is. (Fs)
on the basis of the likeness: the analogical determination of the internal mode of a divine procession on the basis of the internal mode that we experience in an intellectual emanation. (Fs)
understanding: an interior and strictly spiritual act that occurs more rarely and with greater difficulty in the slow-witted and more often and with greater ease in the sharp-witted. (Fs)
in some measure: mediately, imperfectly, analogically. What is understood perfectly is comprehended immediately through its essence. (Fs)
conception: the interior expression of what is intended by inquiry (heuristic conception) or of what is grasped by an act of understanding (conception in the proper sense). (Fs)
systematic conception: a conception that expresses an understanding that is virtually sufficient for resolving all the questions of a treatise. (Fs)


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