
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: The Trinune God: Systematics

Titel: The Triune God: Systematics

Stichwort: Inneres Wort: zweifach; erste Ebene des Intellekts: Unterschied zw. Theologie u. Glaube; zweite Ebene des Intellekts: Unterschied zw. Theologie und Wissenschaft

Kurzinhalt: Thus, as regards the first operation of intellect, theology differs from faith and is more like science, but as regards the second operation of intellect, theology differs from science and relies on faith.

Textausschnitt: 105c For, just as there are two operations of intellect, two kinds of questions, and two acts of understanding, so there are two inner words, two terms immanently produced by an act of understanding.1 Now all properly human knowledge is knowledge to the extent that it is formally true; and so the second operation of intellect, in which the true is uttered, belongs to the very constitution of properly human knowledge. But as regards this operation we have to distinguish between faith and other kinds of certain knowledge. The other kinds of knowledge proceed from evidence of an object grasped by the subject, while faith proceeds from evidence of an object grasped not by the subject but by someone else whom the subject believes. And so, since theology rests on faith, it is distinct from other certain knowledge, whether prescientific or scientific. (Fs)

107a Moreover, just as in every finite being existence and essence are distinct, so too in every finite truth the formality of truth is distinct from that to which the formality of truth is added. That to which the formality of truth is added is the term of the first operation of intellect. And since in this operation there is a distinction between prescientific apprehension (in which causes are not yet known) and scientific apprehension (in which things are conceived through causes), one can distinguish on this basis both between science and other kinds of knowledge and, on the supernatural level, between theology and faith. (Fs) (notabene)

107b Thus, as regards the first operation of intellect, theology differs from faith and is more like science, but as regards the second operation of intellect, theology differs from science and relies on faith. The reason for these surprising conjunctions is that, because theology has a supernatural object, theological understanding is imperfect insofar as it never attains to evidence regarding its object. (Fs) (notabene)


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