
Autor: Dunne, Tad

Buch: Internet


Stichwort: Werturteil, Tatsachenurteil; Grundfehler des Liberalismus: Ignoranz von Werturteilen

Kurzinhalt: The key failure of liberalism, I believe, is that it doesn't take value judgments seriously. It regards them as sheerly factual. You hold this to be good, and I hold that to be good. These are just facts.

Textausschnitt: 97 The key failure of liberalism, I believe, is that it doesn't take value judgments seriously. It regards them as sheerly factual. You hold this to be good, and I hold that to be good. These are just facts. There really is no way to reach agreement, except that we shouldn't get in each other's way as we each pursue what we want. Tolerance is the watchward. Vive la difference! 'Celebrate diversity!' Educational systems focus on 'values clarification' but not 'values inculcation.' Dogmatic theology is out; religious studies is in. Counselors help me see what I really want, but they freeze at the thought of telling me to behave myself. (Fs)

98 Liberalism ignores a pervasive intention we all have about doing better. In any single day, there must be thousands of times when we say to ourselves, 'That's better' - I better get up, I better put my slippers on, I better close the shower door. What we intend here is something 'really' better, not just what we happen to select. What we aim for is not mere preference, as if I could have easily stayed in bed, or walked barefoot, or let the shower splash all over the bathroom floor. Our notion of value - the anticipation we experience when we ask what's better - is not restricted to what I prefer; it includes what anyone in my situation should prefer. (Fs)


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