
Autor: Walsh, David

Buch: The Third Millenium

Titel: The Third Millenium

Stichwort: Offenbarung - Philosophie (Mythos)

Kurzinhalt: The truth of revelation is apprehended because it is recognized as an extension of the truth revealed within the philosophic movement of the soul;

Textausschnitt: 115b The fullness of revelation constitutes a limit to the perspective of philosophy as well. It is not that philosophy loses its independence once it acknowledges the authoritative truth of revelation. Rather, the completion of revelation is the fulfillment of philosophy as such-an enlargement to the limits of what can be conceived. But it is, in no sense, a stepping beyond the limits of philosophy. The truth of revelation is apprehended because it is recognized as an extension of the truth revealed within the philosophic movement of the soul. What, for the philosopher, had to be extrapolated as a myth, enlarging the surroundings of his experience, is now encountered as a living reality within existence. Christ displaces much of what the philosopher must symbolize by means of the likely story, although he does not remove myth entirely, since even he cannot reveal the whole of reality from within the perspective of participation. Creation and eschatology as events outside of time cannot be symbolized in any way other than mythically. However, the saving presence within time does not itself have to be mythicized; it is encountered as the living presence of Being incarnate. Divine presence in the cosmos does not have to be mediated in terms of a story from the beginning; now it is apprehended as an event within the order of creation itself. No other occurrence can have quite the same radiance as the illuminative center of history, casting its light back toward the beginning and forward toward its end. An absolute reference point within time has emerged because it is the perfect conjunction with the absolute Being beyond all time. The enlargement of the philosophic perspective that results means that philosophy too must now take its bearings from the fullness of divine self-revelation in Christ. (Fs)


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