Autor: Dunne, Tad Buch: Internet Titel: Lonergan, LOYOLA, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION, AND THE ARTS Stichwort: Trostlosigkeit, Depression; Freud, Ignatius, Definition Kurzinhalt: Unterschied zw Trostlosigkeit und Depression (Freud, Ignatius) Textausschnitt: Ignatius defined "spiritual desolation" to help people to know which inspirations to follow and which to shun.
() "Depression" was defined by Freud to help people get over a particularly difficult kind of sadness. It's the sadness that endures for weeks, months, even years.
(51) So how do you tell the difference between desolation and depression? I'm suggesting that once we understand the technical meanings of the terms, the differences are clear. Spiritual desolation is to be expected; it is normal. Clinical depression is to be eliminated; it is abnormal. Spiritual desolation is transient; clinical depression is chronic. And spiritual desolation is relevant only to people familiar with the realm of religious love; clinical depression is relevant to anybody. ____________________________