
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Aussage, Wahrheit; wahr, falsch, Definition, Dialektik; Befangenheit (bias)

Kurzinhalt: Definition von Wahrheit und der Richtigkeit einer Aussage; Zirkel zw. Wissen und Sein; 2 Normen von Wahrheit; Ausblenden der Vergangenheit

Textausschnitt: A statement is known as true or false through a 'virtually unconditioned' judgment of our understanding of an experience. ...
Truth, then, may be defined as the correspondence of any knower's knowing to being. Being is what we grasp through correct knowing, or knowing is true by being correctly related to being.

() Thus there are two norms of truth: the limited, absolute norm that is grasped in a precisely limited context of meaning and the remote norm that is immanent and operative in every context which can serve to correlate those limited contexts to one another by relating them to being. ... This is usually done by developing commonly shared memories which screen out a community's dependence on past cultural achievements by degrading and distorting the meanings, values, and general cultural achievements that they have inherited from these prior communities.


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