
Autor: Stebbins, J. Michael

Buch: The Divine Initiative

Titel: The Divine Initiative

Stichwort: Formalobjekt: Quod - Quo; Definition: rationale Tätigkeit; Mensch als Bild Gottes, Trinität

Kurzinhalt: Formal Object Quod and Quo; rational operation -> intrinsically reflective;

Textausschnitt: 25/4 First, a few words need to be said about the distinction between non-rational and rational operations, since it is only to the latter that the distinction of formal object quod and quo properly applies (DES:41). 'A rational operation,' says Lonergan, 'is intrinsically reflective [reflexa]; that is, it attains its object because of a sufficient motive' (DES:41). He gives the following examples: (100; Fs)


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