Autor: Dunne, Tad Buch: Internet Titel: Lonergan, LOYOLA, SPIRITUAL DIRECTION, AND THE ARTS Stichwort: Spiritualität; 3 Bedeutungen, Ignatius Kurzinhalt: 3 Weisen von Spiritualität; naiver Realist, Idealist, kritischer Realist Textausschnitt: A first group equates spirituality with poignant feelings of love and awe ...
() A second group rejects raw emotion as the basis for spirituality and looks instead to the lofty thoughts, values, and principles that should guide human behavior.
() A third group rejects neither raw emotion nor lofty ideals, but, knowing the importance of making a real assent, subjects these experiences and insights to validation, verification, discernment.
() The view of the first group might be called "naïve realist," the second "idealist," and the third "critical realist." ____________________________