Autor: Stebbins, J. Michael Buch: The Divine Initiative Titel: The Divine Initiative Stichwort: Kindertaufe; Schwierigkeit d. Erklärung der Kindstaufe im Rahmen d. psychologischen Erklärung d. Gnade; Anselm Kurzinhalt: Within the framework of the psychological notion of grace, the state of justice tended to be conceived wholly in terms of acts: to possess faith meant actually to believe, Textausschnitt: 26/3 Another of the speculative difficulties faced by the early scholastics had to do with infant baptism (GO:27-3O; GF:8-9, 16-17). Again, the dogmatic issue was not at stake; the theologians aligned themselves with the longstanding practice of the church, which was predicated on the belief that infants are in fact saved through the reception of the sacrament. But difficulties arose when it came to explaining why the sacrament has this efficacy. Within the framework of the psychological notion of grace, the state of justice tended to be conceived wholly in terms of acts: to possess faith meant actually to believe, to possess charity meant actually to love God above all things. It was not apparent, therefore, how one could speak of baptized infants as justified, since they plainly lack the requisite operations of believing and willing. (75; Fs) (notabene) |