
Autor: Stebbins, J. Michael

Buch: The Divine Initiative

Titel: The Divine Initiative

Stichwort: Definition: "übernatürlich" (supernaturale) - relativer und absoltuer Sinn; Gebrauch in katholischer Theologie

Kurzinhalt: the term 'supernatural' has both a relative and an absolute sense. The relatively supernatural (supernaturale secundum quid vel relativum) is 'what exceeds the proportion of some particular nature'

Textausschnitt: 55/2 Now the term 'supernatural' has both a relative and an absolute sense. The relatively supernatural (supernaturale secundum quid vel relativum) is 'what exceeds the proportion of some particular nature' (DES:21). Chemical compounds are relatively supernatural with respect to subatomic particles, plants are relatively supernatural with respect to chemical compounds, and so on. In the cosmic hierarchy, any higher grade of being is relatively supernatural in comparison to any lower grade. The absolutely supernatural (supernaturale simpliciter vel absolutum), though it can be understood by analogy with the relatively supernatural, is something radically different. Lonergan defines it as 'that which exceeds the proportion of any finite substance whatsoever, whether created or able to be created.' But whatever exceeds the proportion of any and every possible finite substance must be proportionate to an infinite substance; that is, it must be proportionate to God uti in se est. Hence, the absolutely supernatural does not designate the next possible level above the angels in the hierarchy of being, or even the next level above some possible creature that itself is of a higher proportion than the angels. It transcends utterly whatever is not divine. (55; Fs) (notabene)

56/2 This level of being, the supernatural order, is the intelligibly interrelated totality of those realities in the universe which, though created by God - hence finite and contingent - nevertheless are proportionate to the attainment of God uti in se est. (Note that in Catholic theology, the terms 'supernatural' and 'supernatural order' normally are applied not to God but to the order of being constituted by the participation of creatures in the divine life.) Its principal elements have already come to light; its root is the twofold created communication of the divine nature, which 'exceeds the proportion not only of human nature but also of any finite substance whatsoever, and therefore is strictly supernatural' (DES:19). This orientation of human and angelic nature gives rise to proportionate habits of intellect and will, and these in turn are passive potencies for the occurrence of the strictly supernatural acts of vision and charity. (55; Fs)


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