
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Selbst, authentisch; Gewohnheit, Habitus, Trägheitssystem, Bewusstsein

Kurzinhalt: Gewohnheiten als Trägheitssysteme; Entwicklung: Änderung der Gewohnheiten; das uneingeschränkte Streben zwingt den Menschen zur "Destabilisierung"; Bewusstsein - vertikale Finalität

Textausschnitt: But you already have developed an integrated self which is presently operating within a circle of recurring schemes that are combinations of habits or conjugate forms, and such habits are inertial systems for sustaining and preserving a range of alternative courses of action and interaction; whereas to develop is to change your habits and to change the self that formed these habits and who was, in turn, formed by the habits.

() To develop, then, implies that you are questioning your own acquired integration of lower and higher schemes as that integration presently operates within you. To develop, then, you as operator must question and destabilize yourself as integrator. There is no way you can prevent this cycle from repeating the same process again because ... We have already pointed out that vertical finality ... becomes conscious at the human level as each knower is caught up in this vast sweep of universal striving toward being.

() The basic tension between your transcending, operating self and your limited, integrated self is analogous to the vertical finality of the entire universe as that finality is being mediated and generalized through the integral, heuristic structure of your own or any other knower's potency, form, and act.


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