
Autor: Stebbins, J. Michael

Buch: The Divine Initiative

Titel: The Divine Initiative

Stichwort: 4 reale göttliche Relationen (Vaterschaft, Sohnschaft aktive, passive Spiration) - Entsprechung in d. Gnade

Kurzinhalt: esse secundarium and sanctifying grace; the habit of charity and the light of glory

Textausschnitt: 48/2 First of all, there are four real divine relations that are really identical with the divine substance, and so there are four very special modes which ground an external imitation of the divine substance. Secondly, there are four absolutely supernatural beings [entia] which are never found uninformed [informis], namely, the esse secundarium of the incarnation, sanctifying grace, the habit of charity, and the light of glory.

49/2 On these grounds the esse secundarium and sanctifying grace are not only created communications of the divine nature but also finite participations in, respectively, the relation of the Father to the Son (paternity) and of the Father and the Son to the Spirit (active spiration); the habit of charity and the light of glory are finite participations in, respectively, the relation of the Spirit to the Father and the Son (passive spiration) and of the Son to the Father (filiation). Thus, the communication of the divine nature to creatures is precisely a sharing in the nature of God as three. (53; Fs) (notabene)


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