
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Evolution; Mensch, Sein, Finalität, Universum

Kurzinhalt: Das Streben nach Sein als allgemeines Prinzip; bei der menschl. Entwicklung Kooperation auf allen Stufen; Flexibilität in der Integration niederer Stufen

Textausschnitt: In other words, the human cognitional search for the meaning of being is one instance of the whole universe's directed, dynamic finality to being.

() Development in human beings may be initiated on any level, but on whatever level it originates, the other levels will also be affected, and so there must be a harmonious cooperation at all levels.

() Human development, then, is a very flexible affair involving three different levels which must be integrated, but at the same time there is a wide range of ways in which the higher intellectual operator may cooperate with lower psychic and organic processes.


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