
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Vier Bedeutungen von Sinn (meaning): kognitiv, effektiv, konstitutiv, kommunikativ

Kurzinhalt: Besides being cognitive, meaning is efficient.

Textausschnitt: 29/13 To this end we propose to speak of the four basic functions of meaning: it is cognitive, efficient, constitutive, communicative. It is cognitive. Human knowledge is discursive, a matter of questions and answers, and so one's knowledge is no better (and no worse) than the questions one can raise and the answers one can give. The world of the infant is no bigger than the nursery, but the world of the adult extends from the present back to its past and forward to its future. It includes not only the factual but also the possible, the ideal, the normative. It expresses not only what one has found out for oneself but also what we have managed to learn from the memories of other men, from the common sense of the community, from the pages of literature, from the labors of scholars, from the investigations of scientists, from the experience of saints, from the meditations of philosophers and theologians. It is within this larger world that we live out our lives. To it we refer when we speak of the real world. But because it is mediated by meaning and motivated by value, because meaning can go astray and evaluation become corrupt, because there is myth as well as science, fiction as well as fact, deceit as well as honesty, error as well as truth, that larger world is insecure. (211; Fs)

30/13 Besides being cognitive, meaning is efficient.
31/13 A third function of meaning is constitutive.
32/13 A fourth function of meaning is communicative.


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