
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Metaphysik, Weltordnung; biblisch, aristotelisch; Substanz, Akzidens

Kurzinhalt: Gegenüberstellung "alter" und "neuer" Metaphysik

Textausschnitt: The problem with such an account of world-order was that it operated within a descriptive and imaginative context that tended to conceive things as static essences, modified only accidentally and extrinsically in their relationships to one another. Such a world-order had two parts: the inner unchanging essences of things and the outer accidental, sensible properties of things that were contingent and changeable.

() On the basis of a conditioned series of recurrent schemes, we proposed an explanatory world-order, and only after this explanatory world-order had been articulated did we introduce the notion of things which exist and operate in and through their recurring schemes. Having established that things or individual concrete unities operate and cooperate through recurring patterns of activities, we turned to you, the knower


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