
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Voegelin: inneres Licht; Aristoteles (Ethik), Zug - Gegenzug; Offenbarung - Information; periagoge - metanoia

Kurzinhalt: inner light; classic experience of reason: It took its stand not on logic but on inner experience; revelation - information; gospel (Justin): philosophy brought to the state of perfection

Textausschnitt: 21/12 For Voegelin, then, the classic experience of reason in fourthcentury Athens was something poles apart from the reason cultivated in late medieval metaphysics and theology, from the reason of Descartes and the rationalists, from the reason of the French Enlightenment and the German absolute idealists. It took its stand not on logic but on inner experience. Its conflicts were not public disputations but inner trials. Its victory was the saving of one's life, keeping one's soul undefiled, holding ever to the upward way, pursuing righteousness with wisdom, so that we may be dear to ourselves and to the gods (Rep. 621 BC). This, of course, is Plato. But the sobriety of the Nicomachean Ethics does not imply that Aristotle holds a different view. (190f; Fs) (notabene)
22/12 It is not only classic philosophy but also the gospel that symbolizes existence as a field of pulls and counterpulls.


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