
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Metastase, metastatische Erfahrung (Jeremia, Herz, neuer Bund);

Kurzinhalt: The hearts have now become the Tablets on which the Commandments were written,

Textausschnitt: 58/13 When now we return to Jeremiah, we find that the differentiation of the existential issue has remarkably advanced beyond Hosea. In Jeremiah 31:29-30 we read: (456f; Fs)
The collectivism of existence, while not completely broken, is at least seriously shaken by a conception of personal responsibility and punishment that was further developed by Ezekiel (Ezek.18). And even when the people still appears as a body, the metaphors stress the personal state of order, as in Jeremiah 17:1: (457; Fs) (notabene)


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