Autor: Flanagan, Josef Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge Stichwort: Potenz, Form, Akt; Metaphysik, Chemie Kurzinhalt: Gegenüberstellung: Metaphysiker - Chemiker; Gesetzte: konjugate Formen; Verifikation: konjugate Akte; konjugate Potenz; Chemiker über Realität Textausschnitt: These laws can now be identified as the conjugate forms that relate chemical atoms to one another. Their verification, although probable and provisional, refers to conjugate acts, while the sensible situations and instances in which the laws have been tested refer to conjugate potencies. The metaphysician knows, first, that those chemical laws are intrinsic to the very structure of chemical atoms; second, that there are different types of conjugate forms - classical and statistical; and, third ... |