
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Christologie und Geschichte; Bultmann

Kurzinhalt: history: creation of the nineteenth century; contrast: precritical belief in testimony - critical understanding of evidence;

Textausschnitt: () History in this contemporary sense largely was the creation of the nineteenth century, and its acceptance in the Catholic church has occurred only slowly and gradually in the present century. It found its way first into church history, then into patristic and medieval studies, and finally in recent decades into biblical studies. (80; Fs)
29/6 This contrast between precritical belief in testimony and critical understanding of evidence is of the greatest theological significance. When the New Testament is viewed as testimony to be believed because it is credible, then the greatest emphasis will be placed on the words of Jesus Christ himself, for they are supremely credible, while a fundamentalist adherence will spread indiscriminately over every aspect of every word and sentence because all are divinely inspired. Then the theologian has only to open his Bible to find convincing proof for whatever preconceived ideas he may happen to entertain. But when the New Testament is viewed as evidence, then one need hardly believe what the Synoptic Gospels affirm if one is concerned to differentiate stylistic features, discern successive strata, and compose a history of the synoptic tradition. Then what Jesus really said and did belongs to a stratum still earlier than any to be verified in the successive contributions to the synoptic tradition, and the Jesus of history becomes either Bultmann's itinerant rabbi who eventually was crucified or, more recently, the hopefully fuller figure that is the objective of the new quest of the historical Jesus.


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