
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Metaphysische Psychologie - Christologie; transformation of falling in love

Kurzinhalt: metaphysical psychology: has underpinned theological accounts of the person of Christ

Textausschnitt: 7/6 Scholastic psychology was a metaphysical psychology. It was a doctrine of the essence of the soul, of its potencies, of their informing habits and acts, and of the objects of the acts. So little did consciousness enter into this psychology that Aristotle treated in the same work the psychology of men, of animals, and of plants. (75; Fs)

8/6 Traditionally it has been this psychology that has underpinned theological accounts of the person of Christ, of his human perfections, and of the grace given all men but superabundantly to him. (75; Fs) (notabene)
12/6 Now when psychology is conceived not as subalternate to metaphysics but as a science in its own right, then it proceeds from the data of consciousness. Its basic terms name conscious operations. Its basic relations name conscious processes. Its account of truly human development is of conscious subjects moving cumulatively through their operations to the self-transcendence of truth and love. (76; Fs) (notabene)

13/6 On this view of human development advance ordinarily is from below upwards. It is from experiencing through inquiry to understanding; from intelligent formulations through reflection to judgment; from apprehended reality through deliberation to evaluation, decision, action. (76; Fs)


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