
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: A Third Collection

Titel: A Third Collection

Stichwort: Infrastruktur, Suprastruktur: Tiefenpsychologie

Kurzinhalt: I shall use the term "register" when I mean that we know what is going on within us without our being aware of it.

Textausschnitt: 14/5 I have been distinguishing between an infrastructure of insights as discoveries or of feelings as felt and, on the other hand, a suprastructure of insights as formulated in hypotheses or of feelings as integrated in conscious living. Perhaps I may add a few random indications that depth psychologists are not unaware of the existence and relevance of some such distinction. (58; Fs) (notabene)

[...] the fact that there is no strict alternative between conscious and unconscious, but that there are, as H. S. Sullivan has pointed out in a lecture, several levels of consciousness. Not only is the repressed impulse still effective - one of the basic discoveries of Freud - but also in a deeper level of consciousness the individual knows about its presence. [...] For the sake of saving repetitive explanations I shall use the term "register" when I mean that we know what is going on within us without our being aware of it. (58f; Fs) (notabene)


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